A family is not restricted to those that are biologically related to you. Family can come in the form of friends, teammates or other colleagues. A family can be a business too.
Minnesota and Wisconsin each have various options for starting a business, running a business and winding it up once the business has concluded its necessary legal purposes and goals. The business formation that is chosen by the organizers will also have a direct impact on how and how much taxes will be paid. Once the business is up and running it will then require a solid grasp of all laws concerning the survival of the business and how it governs its affairs. A business that is not maintaining the appropriate meetings and records will find itself in a courtroom eventually with unhappy business owners, investors or employees.
Our job is to help the fledging or experienced business navigate the myriad of laws confronting it to be successful. Our goal is to represent your business from cradle to grave, or through any series of life events in between. Contact us today to see how we can best serve your businesses legal interests.