Legal disputes happen all the time. While it may not be a normal part of your daily life, it is a common occurrence. You may think that to resolve legal matters you need to appear in front of a judge in court. Sometimes, this is the case, especially when you need to ensure parties…
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We’re almost a year to the month that the World Health Organization declared COVID-19 a pandemic. So you probably know by now that no matter what the current health directive order is in Minnesota or Wisconsin, a judge will make you follow your custody agreement. But whether you came to your custody agreement by way…
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What is Mediation? Are you wondering what mediation is? We’ve spent some time in the last few months writing about various forms of alternative dispute resolution. Never heard of that term? That’s because you’ve likely heard of one of the many terms under ADR’s umbrella: Mediation. Like all forms of alternative dispute resolution, matters in…
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We’ve discussed alternative dispute resolution, where people who are entangled in a court battle agree that they can resolve this outside of a lengthy, messy court proceeding. But not all forms of alternative dispute resolution are accomplished through mediation. This is why we’re discussing arbitration. There’s even one very famous arbitrator you’ve very likely heard…
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Custody agreements are a great example of a dispute that cannot be resolved, but that you want to avoid the hassle of taking the other party to court over. Custody is also a great example that falls under the umbrella of alternative dispute resolution. For many people, alternative dispute resolution is the perfect choice for…
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