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What Happens to My Child Support if I Get Married?

If you pay or receive child support, you know that a judge takes many factors into account when determining child support payments. One major factor is your own income and expenses. So, what happens if you eventually remarry? Does your new spouse’s income become a factor in your child support payments?   Don’t Worry About…
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Can a Teenager Make Their Own Custody Decisions?

Questions of if, when, and how each parent will have custody of their children is a huge part of divorce proceedings. Many factors are considered by the judge as they make their decisions about child custody, including the parenting capabilities of each parent, the relationship of the child to each parent, and the living situation…
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Child support is an essential part of family law, ensuring that children receive the financial support they need from both parents. However, as circumstances change over time, it’s important to understand when a child support obligation ends. If you’re in Minnesota or Wisconsin, the guidelines and laws regarding child support obligations may differ, but there…
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