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Duluth Family Lawyer

If you can believe it (it’s hard for me to believe), I am celebrating 10 years since Benjamin Kaasa Law Office opened in Duluth!  I have happily provided family law expertise for a decade at Benjamin Kaasa Law Office  — for the happiest days like finalized adoptions, the hardest conversations such as custody plans and…
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Summer Custody Agreement in Minnesota

It can be difficult to navigate a summer break custody agreement when co-parenting. Sure, summer break isn’t starting as early as it did last year — considering that in March 2020 students were already at home due to COVID-19.  But no matter how long the winter may seem to go on in Minnesota and Wisconsin,…
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covid guidelines update

Businesses are starting to reopen, but with so many changes, the current state law on which ones are and are not allowed to do so may still feel uncertain. Do you know who can legally reopen this month? Read our updated COVID-19 guidelines: On Wednesday, May 20, Governor Tim Walz’s administration announced the latest update…
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women working from home

As we transition into a new normal it is important to know how to keep your data safe working from home. As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, many businesses instructed their employees to work from home in order to comply with state and federal guidelines. For many Americans, the experience of working from home…
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Duluth Family Lawyer offers tips and advice on helping your child adjust to a new school.

Navigating a move and helping your child adjust to a new school can be difficult. The beginning of the school year is always a time of transition. Summer break has come to an end, and it’s time to pack away the swimsuits and suntan lotion and break out the polo shirts and backpacks. Some years…
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